The Woodland Way To Wellbeing

Green Community Health

The Woodland Way To Wellbeing

Looking To Be Back

We are currently looking at how to start a new Green Community Health Program - that looks at the challenges and opportunities of Net Zero and Sustainable Growth , in a way that improves individuals wellbeing and social cohesion.

The Woodland Way is about creative wellbeing, about having a go and getting hands on. Its about exploring , making connections and creating something - for the woodland and for people. Its about mindfulness and just being in the woods. Its about finding the right tool. It draws on the five ways to wellbeing to make an approach that can help restore wellbeing and community health.

  1. Connect with others

2. Be Active

3. Learn something new

4. Give something back

5. Be in the moment

The Woodland Way to Wellbeing is part of Craft Woods Green Health and Wellbeing Program . Thank you to all our funders! and participants on the three pilot programs we have run. We are looking at the lessons we have learnt in designing our next provision. Thanks to Derbyshire Mind, Derbyshire Mental Health Forum and Green Spring.


Craft Work Club

